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One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.

V. Woolf

our products

our products

We mill our wheat and spelt exclusively using a stone mill to preserve the aromas, flavours, and nutritional quality of the flours. We produce bread and baked goods with our flours, using sourdough for natural fermentation and baking in a wood-fired oven.

We rotate crops in the field with cereals, legumes, and forage crops. We are committed to biodiversity. We practice beekeeping and gather wild berries and flowers, which we use to create exquisite jams, syrups, and honey.

The legumes grown in the field are carefully boiled and jarred, ready to be used in refreshing cold salads, hearty soups, and delicious dishes.

bread and baked goods

Our semi-wholemeal and wholemeal flours, made from wheat and spelt grown in our fields, are carefully selected for baking in our on-site bakery.
The bread is strictly wood-fired and made only with flour, water, sourdough, and salt.

Wood-fired baking recalls rustic traditions and gives us a superior product, enriched by the aromas released from the burning wood.
The benefits of natural yeast are that the bread will be softer and more tender, easier to digest, will last longer, and have a unique flavor.
Our breads: semi-wholemeal wheat bread, wholemeal wheat bread, wholemeal einkorn bread, and specialty breads.


Our bread varieties are crafted from a careful blend of stone-ground flours, naturally leavened with sourdough, and baked in a traditional wood-fired oven. You can choose from soft wheat semi-wholemeal or wholemeal, einkorn, or rye. We also offer speciality breads with olives or raisins.

Our unleavened bread is made from thin, yeast-free sheets of dough, baked directly on the base of the wood-fired oven. It’s perfect as a snack or as an alternative to regular bread, ideal for those with yeast intolerances.
We produce it in several versions: using only wholemeal wheat or spelt flour, flavoured with rosemary or sesame seeds.
Soft wheat bread
Pane al farro
Pane al mosto
Pane azzimo


Hand-rolled breadsticks are baked in a wood-fired oven, packed while still warm, and enriched with sesame seeds or poppy seeds, or simply left natural.
Perfect for snacks or appetizers.
Einkorn breadsticks


Our artisan loaf results from a careful selection of raw materials, naturally leavened with sourdough.
One cannot help but admire the golden crust from baking in the wood-fired oven, while being enveloped by the fragrance of fresh Sicilian citrus, wildflower honey, and the taste of handcrafted butter from the high-altitude pastures of the Langhe.
The panettone is a creation that requires time, precision, and endless attention. From the beginning of October, we focus on the sourdough, which is refreshed daily in preparation for production. Then there are the designs, the search for the graphic concept, the printing of the packaging... the careful selection of the raw materials, and finally, the nights spent tending to the dough, folding it, letting it rest. And the baking? Our panettone is baked exclusively in a wood-fired oven... Can you imagine the magic and the scent when you open the oven after 50 minutes, and the whole valley is filled with the aroma of butter?!
From the very beginning, the care for the product, the surrounding territory, and the raw materials have been the foundation of our project. Three years ago, when we started producing our large Christmas panettone, we couldn't help but think about creating a box that would represent the beauty of both the product and the land. This is how our packaging project came to life:
1st edition
The first edition is created in collaboration with Italic, a group of young artists who, within their art printing studio, produce the first edition of the panettone using traditional typography.
The choice of font, the typographic colour, and a limited edition are all designed to support the Golden Brain Association (which works in support of women who have undergone breast cancer surgery).
2nd edition
The second edition is entrusted to the graphic design studio Madesign and created by Massimiliano Patrignani and Monica Zaffini. Focus is given to the place and the words that form the foundation of our project—words that become the shape and reality of what the box contains and of our thoughts. Words to share around the Christmas table.
3rd edition
The gentle story of our reality, a woman who becomes the land, mother, creator, sky, and earth. And inside? A game to share with children around the Christmas fire. An educational game about the seasons revolving around bread, from planting to harvest, with a special protagonist, Gilda. What are you waiting for to discover it?


The biscuit slices are made from naturally leavened bread loaves, wood-fired baked, and then toasted in slices at a low temperature. Perfect for breakfast or a snack, paired with our extra jams or honey.
Biscuit slices
A biscuit slice with jam


The dry spelt biscuits are made exclusively with wholemeal einkorn spelt flour, offering a unique flavour, perfect for breakfast. They contain no animal-derived ingredients. During autumn and winter, you’ll also find them enriched with pumpkin and dark chocolate.
Spelt biscuits
Spelt and Pumpkin Biscuits


Our flours are the result of a meticulous selection of cereals and legumes that we grow ourselves. Particular attention is given to ancient soft wheat varieties and einkorn spelt.
We use a seed population called “Bioadapt,” an evolutionary blend of soft wheat that includes five ancient varieties: Andriolo, Frassineto, Verna, Gentil Rosso, and Inalettabile.
This population, with its genotypic diversity, is a natural response to climate change and is ideally suited to organic farming. Flours made from ancient grains are healthier, easier to digest, and help to prevent gluten intolerance.
Alongside “Bioadapt,” we also cultivate einkorn spelt, valued for its rich nutritional properties and high antioxidant content.

Our flours, milled exclusively on stone, retain the full nutritional qualities of the cereals and legumes we cultivate.
We favour semi-wholemeal flours (types 1 and 2) or fully wholemeal flours, as they preserve a higher amount of germ and bran—the parts richest in fibre and nutrients.


We ensure good soil fertility through the rotation of cereals, legumes, and alfalfa.
Each year, we search for ancient varieties that are better suited to our uses and sustainable farming practices. Legumes have always been a staple of the diet, valued for their high protein content.
The legumes are then cooked and jarred, ready for use in cold salads, soups, and delicious dishes.

jams, honey, and juices

The attention we give to biodiversity extends to the surrounding territory as well.
This is where our extra jams come from, made from the wild harvesting of fruits and flowers from our land.
We have dedicated a portion of our land to the cultivation of aromatic herbs and ancient fruit trees. In our aromatic garden, you will find helichrysum, thyme, lemon thyme, rosemary, savoury, and lavender, which are also used in the preparation of our baked goods.
Our bees thrive on this rich biodiversity, benefiting from high-quality nectar and pollen. Far from conventional farming and pollutants, and cultivated using organic methods, they provide us with the opportunity to observe the bees during their collection process.

The wild rose jam is made from the spontaneous collection of dog rose berries, a thorny bush common throughout our area.
During cooking, we add multifloral honey and cane sugar.
It pairs wonderfully with cheeses or spoon desserts and is rich in anti-inflammatory and vitamin-boosting properties.

The elderflower syrup is made from the spontaneous collection of elderflowers, a common shrub found in our area, growing near watercourses or the edges of paths.
The flowers are macerated with fresh lemon juice, cane sugar, and water, then bottled.
The syrup is diluted with water to create a highly refreshing drink.

The multifloral honey is the work of our precious and tireless bees, always essential to biodiversity. By respecting them and learning from them, we can become skilled beekeepers. The great variety of flowers and plants contributes to the unique aromatic quality of our honey.

Cereals and legumes

We ensure good soil fertility through the rotation of cereals, legumes, and alfalfa.
Each year, we search for ancient varieties that are better suited to our uses and sustainable farming practices. Legumes have always been a staple of the diet, valued for their high protein content.
Cereals and legumes are often paired in cooking for their ability to complement each other nutritionally.

The chickpeas are of the Sultano variety, small in size, smooth, and with very thin skin.
During cooking, they remain compact and easy to digest. They are perfect for velvety soups, delicious stews, as a side dish, or paired with vegetables.
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